The Ayurvedic Hospital has the Panchakarma, Rasayan, Kshar-Sootra Centre of Ayurvedic Treatment for all common diseases.

The Hospital has the Panchakarma Centre which offers the following:
Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Shirodhara,Shiro Basti, Rakta Mokshan (Jalaukavacharan), Snehan, Swedan – Five types of Swedan are being given Sweda, Pinda, Nadi, Dhara, Patra and Shastishali Pinda and Nashya – Treatment by Nasal Drops.


When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need kalam yathna .

(Ayurvedic Proverb)


Panchakarma Centre.


A fully computerised Dispensary to dispense the medicine manufactured in our in-house Rasayanshala.

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